Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today's Word is....Resourceful

This story might not seem like a big deal to any of you, but it really made an impact on my day. When I returned home from exercising this morning, I jumped in the shower and started to get ready for a lunch date I had with a friend. As usual, when it was time to do something with my hair, I was at a loss. It is really humid today in Charlotte so I knew I had to tie my lion’s mane back and a headband had to be included in the styling. I have such a hard time controlling my hot frizzy mess called hair. So I opened my drawer that holds all my combs and brushes but of course I couldn’t find a black headband. An image of my boys using my bands to shoot each other with quickly filled my mind. I knew I did not have the energy to look behind the couches, in the laundry hamper, under the beds, in the toy box or in the back yard. So I had to be resourceful and find an alternative. I remembered that I have a bra that has detachable straps, so I took one strap and hooked it into a loop, Instant Headband!!! At that moment I felt so smart but then thought I must have seen it on TV or something because how could I be so cleaver. Anyway it worked and I averted a hair dilemma. But, as with all my life lessons I wondered how I could be resourceful in other areas of my life. I now have homework to do in this area, to seek out ways to minimize and simplify. I encourage all of you to do the same. If you can take one thing in your life and use it in another area, do it. Be Resourceful.

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