Thursday, April 7, 2011

Horses Don't Have Seat Belts

During my lovely vacation with my husband to Punta Cana Dominican Republic we had an opportunity to go on a horseback ride right on the beach. Sounds romantic right? Not really. We were in a group of twenty other people and three guides. They put us on the horses and forced them together to get the all-important picture. Let’s just say my horse wasn’t friends with the others. My husband’s horse instantly bucked up and tried to eat my horses face off. If you know anything about me I’m not the adventurous type so as soon as my horse moved on its own I wanted OFF! Now there is a huge language barrier between me and the guides and all I could say that they would understand was, “I Don’t Like!” This wasn’t effective what so ever. The reply was, “O, Lady, You OK.” And my reply, “No, Lady Not OK!!!!” The guide took my horse by the reigns and lead it closer to the water facing away from everyone else. This didn’t make the LADY feel better at all. Next thing I know I am begging to get off the horse with no result and tears rolling down my cheeks. When all the riders were ready to go, I refused to go. The guide ended up leading my horse the whole way and not letting me off. I have never been so miserable in my life and was surly glad when it was all over.

So the trip down the beach would have been great except for one little detail, or should I say big detail. Horses Poop a lot!!!! These horses had no bags on their butts to catch their urges of bowl movements and release. What? Gross. Right on the sand next to the people splashing in the waves. I didn’t understand how anyone could be ok with this but it seemed normal to the people in the water as well as the guides. So the other problem with horses freely pooping in the sand was, when you are in a group of 20 and all the horses are bunched up together you have to watch where your knees are in regards to the horses butt in front of you. That’s right kids, if you aren’t paying attention a horse can sh** on your leg. Sounds like fun right, oh and definitely romantic.

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