Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Babies Have Superhuman Mind Control

I have spent the past two hours under freaky baby mind control. Yep my son has the ability to control my every move with just a threatening look in his eye. How does he do this? I rushed around getting him every baby friendly snack and he turned all of them down. First the strawberries were too cold, then the Chex were too crunchy, the gold fish crackers weren’t in a bowl….Are you kidding me! Finally he decided to settle for the strawberries that had time to warm up after crying over five other snacks that just weren’t right. But he couldn’t sit at the table and eat the berries. I had to sit next to him and rub the back of his neck while he ate the strawberries. And I couldn’t just sit and rub the back of his neck; I had to also look at him with a smile. The crazy part was that he wasn’t even looking at me, he was watching PBS. As soon as I thought I was in the clear he would reel me back in with his mind control. I would glance in the other direction and when my eyes started to shift he would scream. So I made sure not to look away, but my arm got tired and I had to take a break. Fearing he would flip out if I took my hand away, I slowly moved down his back and carefully stopped touching him all together. Well guess what? He noticed and the screaming started again. It was too crazy and I fell for it all. I succumbed to the Superhuman Baby Mind Control and now feel like a fool. How do babies get away with these things? I watched him for 15 minutes as he picked up each piece of strawberry with his thumb and pointer finger and slowly put it between his lips and finally in his mouth, all the while chewing super slowly. He had me under his control and wasn’t going to let go.

Thanks for listening, I just had to share.

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