Monday, October 24, 2011

My Radical Yard Sale

This past Saturday was our Yard Sale and I must say it was a bit overwhelming to see all the "stuff" that has been crowding my home for the past six years out in the yard. We had a pretty good turnout of buyers, friends, family and neighbors; but best of all, complete strangers. I was energized and very motivated to make sure to share why I was having a yard sale to everyone who stepped foot on my driveway. I wanted to sell my "stuff" but mostly I wanted to let other people know that my family had made a choice for Christ. It was awesome. There were a few people who politely smiled and continued to shop but most of them started a dialogue about what we are planning for our family. We had a lot of laughs about some of the items for sale (like the late night QVC side sleeper pillows) but more importantly I was able to tell them that my love for Christ was way more important than the items they were looking at. We want to live a simple life so we can take our surplus and use it to spread the Gospel and that is our only motivation. The night before the sale I had butterflies in my stomach. Just thinking about how to approach shoppers and how to start a conversation made me nervous. When the morning came, God put every word in my mouth and without effort He used me to speak to every shopper.
I give Him all the glory in this journey we are taking as a family.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Radical For Christ

Our Radical Journey has begun. We have been called to live a simpler life and use our surplus
resources to spread the Gospel. God has been very clear to us about how we should
be living our lives and what we should be teaching our children. Worldly wealth
and material possessions have fogged our vision and sidetracked us into
believing we need “things” to be wealthy. Our relationship with our “things” have
taken too much of our time and energy, so we have made a choice to live
Radically. Actually it’s not radical at all, it’s how we feel God wants us to
live our lives and there’s nothing radical about that. We want to be dedicated
servants of the Lord and work for Him, serving Him and others in need. Every
item that fills my home God made and I need to use it for His glory. Every
penny in my bank account is a blessing from God and I need to use it to glorify
His name. We have started the process of
selling “things” we don’t need and working towards selling our current home to
move to a smaller one. With this move we will free up monies necessary to
support Local and International Missions. We want to share our wealth with
others and spread the Gospel while doing it.
Join us this Saturday at our home for our Yard Sale. We
would love to share our story with you.